Mamrie Hart

Mamrie Hart

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Mamrie Hart: A Comedy Queen and YouTube Sensation

Mamrie Hart, born on September 22, 1983, is an American comedian, actress, and YouTube personality. With her quick wit, infectious energy, and hilarious storytelling, she has won the hearts of millions of fans around the world. Known for her YouTube channel “You Deserve A Drink,” Hart has become a prominent figure in the online entertainment industry.


Mamrie Hart was born and raised in New Jersey. She attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she studied theater and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree. After graduation, Hart moved to New York City to pursue a career in acting and comedy.

Family & Relatives

Not much is known about Mamrie Hart’s family and relatives as she prefers to keep her personal life private. However, she has mentioned her father, David Hart, in some of her videos and social media posts.

Early Life

From a young age, Mamrie Hart showed a passion for performing. She participated in school plays and local theater productions, honing her acting skills. Her love for comedy also developed early on, and she often made her friends and family laugh with her witty remarks and funny antics.


After moving to New York City, Mamrie Hart began performing in various comedy clubs and theaters. She gained recognition for her improvisational skills and comedic timing, which led to opportunities in television and film. In 2011, she started her YouTube channel “You Deserve A Drink,” where she combines her love for mixology and comedy.

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Hart’s YouTube channel quickly gained popularity, thanks to her unique concept of creating cocktails inspired by celebrities and pop culture. Her hilarious storytelling and engaging personality attracted a large audience, and she soon became one of the most beloved YouTubers in the comedy genre.

In addition to her YouTube success, Mamrie Hart has also ventured into traditional media. She has appeared in movies such as “Dirty 30” and “Camp Takota,” alongside fellow YouTubers Grace Helbig and Hannah Hart (no relation). Hart has also made guest appearances on television shows like “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” and “Chelsea Lately.”

Personal Life

Mamrie Hart keeps her personal life relatively private, but she occasionally shares glimpses of her life on social media. She is known for her love of dogs and often posts pictures and videos of her furry friends. Hart is also an avid traveler and has documented her adventures in various vlogs.

Awards & Nominations

Throughout her career, Mamrie Hart has received recognition for her comedic talents. She has been nominated for several awards, including the Shorty Award for Best YouTube Comedian. While she has yet to win a major award, her impact on the online entertainment industry cannot be denied.

Scandals involving

Mamrie Hart has managed to maintain a clean public image throughout her career, with no major scandals or controversies. She focuses on spreading positivity and laughter, making her a beloved figure among her fans.

Social Media Accounts

Mamrie Hart is active on various social media platforms, where she shares updates about her projects and interacts with her fans. You can find her on:

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People Also Ask FAQs

  1. Is Mamrie Hart related to Hannah Hart?
  2. No, Mamrie Hart is not related to Hannah Hart. They share the same last name but are not related.

  3. What is Mamrie Hart’s most popular video?
  4. Mamrie Hart’s most popular video on YouTube is “How to Make a Frozen Margarita” with over 6 million views.

  5. Has Mamrie Hart written any books?
  6. Yes, Mamrie Hart has written two books: “You Deserve a Drink: Boozy Misadventures and Tales of Debauchery” and “I’ve Got This Round: More Tales of Debauchery.”

  7. Does Mamrie Hart perform live shows?
  8. Yes, Mamrie Hart has performed live shows in various cities, combining comedy, storytelling, and audience interaction.

  9. What other YouTubers does Mamrie Hart collaborate with?
  10. Mamrie Hart often collaborates with fellow YouTubers Grace Helbig and Hannah Hart on various projects.

Mamrie Hart continues to entertain and inspire her fans with her unique brand of comedy. Whether it’s through her YouTube videos, live shows, or books, she never fails to bring laughter and joy to her audience. With her talent and infectious personality, Mamrie Hart has undoubtedly secured her place as a comedy queen and YouTube sensation.

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